Showing posts with label Userbot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Userbot. Show all posts

How To Create WhatsApp User Bot - WhatsAsena

WhatsAsena - Asena Userbot is Open Source software open to development. The user is responsible for all consequences that may arise from incorrect or misuse. Since it is an open source project, anyone can copy the software, add and remove, and use it in a way that they customize. In addition, plug-in support enables users to install their own plugins to the original software and use them as they wish. Using the bot out of purpose will explicitly ban you. Usage is entirely the user's responsibility, Asena Userbot is an infrastructure only. Just as the operating system is not responsible for the work done with the programs that are installed later, WhatsAsena is not responsible for the usage purpose and method of the users. Marketing WhatsAsena for money, making it available or having any material value Δ±t is strictly forbidden to offer it for sale with anything. All legal investigations that may arise the user is responsible.

How to set up Whatsasena?

1. Essay way to Generate QR Code In Computer 

(Just Open Link & Press RUN Button - Computer Users

  1. Termux or download iSH. if you using pc; Powershell run as administrator.
  2. Paste the codes;
    • Termux: bash <(curl -L
    • iOS: There is no support for IOS
    • Windows 10: Invoke-Expression (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('')
  3. If it asks questions like Y/N please type Y If all transactions done successfully, you will see a QR code., you need to scan this QR code in the WhatsApp. Process is so simple;
  4. Paste the code you received into the ASENA_SESSIONS section.


Answer a few frequently asked questions;

Can you read my messages?

This project is open source so all the codes are clear. Neither less nor more; you can look what you want. We absolutely do not have access to your accounts.

What about our security?

If you are concerned about security, you can install it on your own computer. If you think someone else has captured your data, simply click on Whatsapp> Three Dots> Whatsapp Web> Logout from all sessions button.

Is it paid?

Of course not. It will never happen. But you can donate to us. You can reach me via Telegram .

What does Asena mean?

Asena, comes from Turkish mythology. According to Turkish mythology, Asena is a she-wolf that plays an important role.


Due to Userbot; Your WhatsApp account may be banned.
This is an open source project, you are responsible for everything you do. 
Absolutely, Asena executives do not accept responsibility.
By establishing the Asena, you are deemed to have accepted these responsibilities.


*πŸ›  Command:*
*πŸ’¬ Description:*
Plugin installs.
*⌨️ Example:*

*πŸ›  Command:*
*πŸ’¬ Description:*
Shows the plugins you have installed.

*πŸ›  Command:*
*πŸ’¬ Description:*
Removes the plugin.

*πŸ›  Command:*
*πŸ’¬ Description:*
Ban someone in the group. Reply to message or tag a person to use command.

*πŸ›  Command:*
*πŸ’¬ Description:*
Adds someone to the group.
*⌨️ Example:*
.add 905xxxxxxxxx

*πŸ›  Command:*
*πŸ’¬ Description:*
Makes any person an admin.

*πŸ›  Command:*
*πŸ’¬ Description:*
Takes the authority of any admin.

*πŸ›  Command:*
*πŸ’¬ Description:*
Mute the group chat. Only the admins can send a message.

*πŸ›  Command:*
*πŸ’¬ Description:*
Unmute the group chat. Anyone can send a message.

*πŸ›  Command:*
*πŸ’¬ Description:*
Provides the group's invitation link.

*πŸ›  Command:*
*πŸ’¬ Description:*
It makes you AFK.

*πŸ›  Command:*
*πŸ’¬ Description:*
Allows to run the command on the server's shell.
*⌨️ Example:*
.term ls

*πŸ›  Command:*
*πŸ’¬ Description:*
It adds a filter. If someone writes your filter, it send the answer. If you just write .filter, it show's your filter list.
*⌨️ Example:*
.filter "merhaba" "merhaba, nasΔ±lsΔ±n?"

*πŸ›  Command:*
*πŸ’¬ Description:*
Stops the filter you added previously.
*⌨️ Example:*
.stop "merhaba"

*πŸ›  Command:*
*πŸ’¬ Description:*
It sets the welcome message. If you leave it blank it shows the welcome message.
Stop: .welcome sil

*πŸ›  Command:*
*πŸ’¬ Description:*
Sets the goodbye message. If you leave blank, it show's the goodbye message.
Stop: .goodbye sil

*πŸ›  Command:*
*πŸ’¬ Description:*
Restart WhatsAsena

*πŸ›  Command:*
*πŸ’¬ Description:*
Shutdown WhatsAsena

*πŸ›  Command:*
*πŸ’¬ Description:*
Check heroku dyno usage

*πŸ›  Command:*
*πŸ’¬ Description:*
Set heroku config var

*πŸ›  Command:*
*πŸ’¬ Description:*
Delete heroku config var

*πŸ›  Command:*
*πŸ’¬ Description:*
Get heroku config var

*πŸ›  Command:*
*πŸ’¬ Description:*
Activates Lydia for the user.

*πŸ›  Command:*
*πŸ’¬ Description:*
Makes Lydia disabled for the user.

*πŸ›  Command:*

*πŸ›  Command:*
*πŸ’¬ Description:*
Replied messages will be added to

*πŸ›  Command:*
*πŸ’¬ Description:*
It kicks you grop you are.

*πŸ›  Command:*
*πŸ’¬ Description:*
Makes the profile photo what photo you reply.

*πŸ›  Command:*
*πŸ’¬ Description:*
Removes the background of the photos.

*πŸ›  Command:*
*πŸ’¬ Description:*
It translates with Google Translate. You must reply any massage.
*⌨️ Example:*.trt en ml (From English to Malayalam)

*πŸ›  Command:*

*πŸ›  Command:*
*πŸ’¬ Description:*
It converts text to sound.

*πŸ›  Command:*
*πŸ’¬ Description:*
Uploads the song you wrote.

*πŸ›  Command:*
*πŸ’¬ Description:*
Downloads video from YouTube.

*πŸ›  Command:*
*πŸ’¬ Description:*
It searchs on YouTube.

*πŸ›  Command:*
*πŸ’¬ Description:*
Searches on Wikipedia.

*πŸ›  Command:*
*πŸ’¬ Description:*
Takes Google pics.

*πŸ›  Command:*
*πŸ’¬ Description:*
It converts your replied photo or video to sticker.

*πŸ›  Command:*
*πŸ’¬ Description:*
Does bot work?

*πŸ›  Command:*
*πŸ’¬ Description:*
Shows the system properties.

*πŸ›  Command:*
*πŸ’¬ Description:*
Tags everyone in the group.

*πŸ›  Command:*
*πŸ’¬ Description:*
Checks the update.
.update now - updating new features 

*πŸ›  Command:*
*πŸ’¬ Description:*
Shows the weather.
*⌨️ Example:*
.weather BakΓΌ

*πŸ›  Command:*
*πŸ’¬ Description:*
Measures Download and Upload speed.

*πŸ›  Command:*
*πŸ’¬ Description:*
Measures your ping.


WhatsApp name, its variations and the logo are registered trademarks of Facebook. We have nothing to do with the registered trademark

How To Create Telegram Jarvis User bot

~ Jarvis Userbot is The Bot Which Follows Telegram API Rules .... 
~ No Abusive Content As Mentioned In Telegram API Terms and Services ....... 
~ You Will Get a Minimal Chance of Getting Banned in Telegram..
~ The Bot Which Has Most Fun Filled Filled With It
~ Vars Will Be Added Soon
~ Customisable Command Handler
 And Soon Some More Modifications Will Be added Soon

Jarvis userbot Support

Support Channel:

  1. ALIVE_NAME: Fill your Full name or Username like @Username
  2. ALIVE_PIC: @vTelegraphBot
  3. API_HASH & APP_ID :
  5. OWNER_ID @googleimgbot
  6. PLUGIN_CHANNEL: @googleimgbot
  7. PRIVATE_GROUP_ID: @googleimgbot
  9. SUDO_USERS: @googleimgbot
  10. TG_BOT_TOKEN_BF_HER: @BotFather [Don't Forget To Turn of inline Mode on bot settings]
  11. TZ:

The Normal Way

Simply clone the repository and run the main file:

git clone
cd jarvis
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 venv
. ./venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
# <Create with variables as given below>
python3 -m jarvis

An example file could be: Not All of the variables are mandatory The Userbot should work by setting only the first two variables

from heroku_config import Var

class Development(Var):
  APP_ID = 6
  API_HASH = "eb06d4abfb49dc3eeb1aeb98ae0f581e"

UniBorg Configuration

The UniBorg Config is situated in userbot/ Heroku Configuration Simply just leave the Config as it is. Local Configuration Fortunately there are no Mandatory vars for the UniBorg Support Config.


Your Telegram account may get banned. I am not responsible for any improper use of this bot This bot is intended for the purpose of having fun with memes, as well as efficiently managing groups. You ended up spamming groups, getting reported left and right, and you ended up in a Finale Battle with Telegram and at the end Telegram Team deleted your account? And after that, then you pointed your fingers at us for getting your acoount deleted? I will be rolling on the floor laughing at you.

How To Make Telegram TeleBot Userbot

TeleBot is a python based Telegram userbot with many exclusive features.

Features -

Telegram userbot to enhance your experience on telegram with no tension of account ban. Comes with inbuilt gban, broadcast plugins and many more... Stable and made using Telethon, with a really simple UI and 24/7 support :)


Telegram Channel: @TeleBotHelp
Telegram Group: @TeleBotHelpChat
1. ALIVE_NAME: Your Telegram Username
4. OWNER_ID: @missrose_bot
5. PRIVATE_GROUP_BOT_API_ID: @missrose_bot
6. PRIVATE_GROUP_ID: @missrose_bot
8. SUDO_USERS: @missrose_bot
9. TG_BOT_TOKEN_BF_HER: @BotFather
11. TZ:


Your Telegram account may get banned. I am not responsible for any improper use of this bot This bot is intended for the purpose of having fun with memes, as well as efficiently managing groups. You ended up spamming groups, getting reported left and right, and you ended up in a Finale Battle with Telegram and at the end Telegram Team deleted your account? And after that, then you pointed your fingers at us for getting your acoount deleted? I will be rolling on the floor laughing at you.
Share To Telegram

How To Create Friendly Telegram Userbot [FTG User bot]

Best Stable Telegram Userbot

Friendly Telegram Support

Support Group:
Support Off-topic:




OTP Not Working?? Try Another Method:
(. <($(which curl>/dev/null&&echo curl -Ls||echo wget -qO-) --heroku --no-web)

How To Create Telegram Cat Userbot

Cat userbot is the pro bot based on telethon with new useful features and incomparable plugins and unwatchable simplicity. Making the use of telegram more accurate and simple by the userbot way you can get built help menu and also usage for many plugins.

Cat Userbot

Support Channel: @catuserbot17
Support Group: @catuserbot_support

Important Feuteres

* G-drive
* Songs 
* Video songs
* Build in help support 
* Sending location
* Sudo users feature
* YouTube download
* Group managing(promoting,demoting,mute , global mute)
* PM Permit


6. TG_BOT_TOKEN_BF_HER: @BotFather
8. TZ:

For PMpermit and afk functioning you need to set 2 values in heroku
Go to heroku - Desktop view - Your app - Settings - Reveal config vars - Add key and value 

And you can get value by creating a new private group along with any bot like rose and type this message in group .get_id
Here are both have same values

To G-Drive setup check this guide:

How To Create Telegram Sensible User bot

Best User Bot To Manage Your Telegram Account. Most Powerful And Better And Secure. 
300 + Plugins 

Sensible Userbot

Official Channel: @sensible_userbot


2. APP_ID:


5. PLUGIN_CHANNEL: @MissRose_bot
6. PRIVATE_GROUP_ID: @MissRose_bot

10. SUDO_USERS: @MissRose_bot

11. TG_BOT_TOKEN_BF_HER: @BotFather

How To Create Telegram Friday UserBot

BEST EVER USERBOT WITH AWESOME FEATURES AND BETTER THAN OTHER BOTS. Best User Bot To Manage Your Telegram Account. Most PowerFul And Better And Secure !

Support Group: @FridayOt

Easy Way Installing


Rose Bot: @MissRose_bot
SUDO_USERS: @MissRose_bot

The Normal Way

Simply clone the repository and run the main file:
git clone
cd FridayUserbot
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 venv
. ./venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
# <Create with variables as given below>
python3 -m userbot
An example file could be:
Not All of the variables are mandatory
The Userbot should work by setting only the first two variables
from heroku_config import Var

class Development(Var):
  APP_ID = 6
  API_HASH = "eb06d4abfb49dc3eeb1aeb98ae0f581e"

UniBorg Configuration

The UniBorg Config is situated in userbot/
Heroku Configuration Simply just leave the Config as it is.
Local Configuration Fortunately there are no Mandatory vars for the UniBorg Support Config.

How To Create Telegrm userge user Bot

USERGE - Durable as a Serge

πŸ”± Powerful, Pluggable TG UserBot written in Python from scratch using Pyrogram πŸ”±

Channel: @theUserge
GROUP: @slbotsbugs
SPAMGROUP: @usergeot


Important Notice: Guys there is a small change 
1. While creating credentials in Google cloud console...DONT choose "WEB" instead of that choose "OTHER" 
2. While creating a password for Mongodb make sure that u are not using any special characters like @ ! # etc

  • Powerful and Very Useful built-in Plugins
    • gdrive ( Team Drives Supported! ) 
    • zip / unzip
    • telegram upload
    • telegram download
    • etc...
  • Channel & Group log support
  • Database support
  • Build-in help support
  • Easy to Setup & Use
  • Easy to add / port Plugins
  • Easy to write modules with the modified client

πŸ“Œ Requirements 

πŸ“Œ How To Deploy  HEROKU Method

First click the button below.
If you don't have HU_STRING_SESSION just ignore it.
After Deployed to Heroku first turn off the app (resources -> turn off) and run bash genStr in console (more -> run console).
After that copy the string session and past it in Config Vars (settings -> reveal config vars).
Finally turn on the app and check the logs (settings -> view logs) :)

πŸ“Œ Project Credits

πŸ“Œ Copyright & License 


πŸ“Œ Update method for Userge old members in Heroku

fork official repo:
turn on automatic deploy on Heroku & connect your forked repo.
git clone
cd yourforkedrepo
git remote add upstream
git pull upstream master
git push

How To Create Pyrogram User Bot

1. Code Click Here

2. Click Here [fill the required informations]

3. Heroku Console Command: python3

Follow the OnScreen prompts. You will get a big string that looks random.

N.B.: Keep this string safe! Anyone with this string can use it to login into your account and do anything they want to to do.

Example: .eval tneilc.send(functions.account.DeleteAccount(reason="I ❤️ Telegram"))

After deploy open the URL

Enable the worker dyno, by toggling the slide-toggle.

Done. Your UserBot is alive. Check with .helpme in any chat.

How To Create Telegram Uniborg User Bot


Install this application from Google Play : Click Here

Open Termux 

πŸ‘‰ termux-setup-storage

πŸ‘‰ pkg install python git

πŸ‘‰ python3.7 -m venv venv

πŸ‘‰ . ./venv/bin/activate

πŸ‘‰ cd /sdcard/Telegram

πŸ‘‰ git clone

πŸ‘‰ cd UniBorg

πŸ‘‰ pip install telethon

πŸ‘‰ python3

Follow the OnScreen prompts How to get your APP_ID and API_HASH?

1. Login to Click Here using an already registered Telegram account.
2. Click on API development tools
3. Create new application.(here in this video i have already created this you have to create this application first.)
4. for filling the app title,short name,url u can fill as u prefer.
5. Click on Save Changes.
6. In the new screen, App api_id is the APP_ID, and App api_hash is the API_HASH

N.B.: currently, You cannot revoke your APP_ID and API_HASH. Hence it should be kept confidential. Your account may get limited or deleted, if Telegram suspects that the APP_ID is being used for spamming.


How to get your APP_ID and API_HASH [web view] : Click Here
N.B.: Keep this string safe! Anyone with this string can use it to login into your account and do anything they want to to do. ?? Open this Heroku Link: Click Here ?? Follow the OnScreen prompts

?? App name, APP_ID, API_HASH, and HU_STRING_SESSION are mandatory fields. Rest of the fields can be left with the default values.

?? Tap on Deploy app

?? Wait for deploy to finish.

?? After deploy open the URL<Appname>/resources

?? Enable the worker dyno, by toggling the slide-toggle.

?? Done. Your UserBot is alive. Check with .helpme in any chat.

😳 commands available in @UniBorg 🌝

πŸ‘‰ .unload <PLUGIN NAME> Remove plugin from running

πŸ‘‰ .load <PLUGIN NAME> Reload plugin into the UserBot

πŸ‘‰ .send plugin <Plugin Name>

πŸ‘‰ .install plugin As reply to any valid @UniBorg plugin

πŸ‘‰ .afk [Optional Reason] Marks yourself as Away From Keyboard

πŸ‘‰ .calendar 2019-03-04 returns the Malayalam calendar for the date specified

πŸ‘‰ /admin Call ADMINs in a chat where @MasterTagAlertBot exists

πŸ‘‰ .coinflip [Optional Choice] Flips a coin and tells whether Heads or Tails

πŸ‘‰ .count Counts the Numbe rof Dialogs you have in your Telegram

πŸ‘‰ .currency 1 USD INR Gets the current currency conversion rate

πŸ‘‰ .dns HOST Get Domain Naming System Records of a Host on the Internet

πŸ‘‰ .url Shorten a long URL to a short URL

πŸ‘‰ .decide Get Yes or No decisions, at any time in any chat

πŸ‘‰ .download Reply to a Telegram media to download to local UserBot server

πŸ‘‰ .getsticker Reply to a sticker to get the sticker pack as an archive

πŸ‘‰ .kangsticker Reply to a sticker to add it your personal Telegram pack

πŸ‘‰ .emoji Four emoji animations (Read The Code to know how to use these)

πŸ‘‰ .eval <Python Code>

πŸ‘‰ .exec <BASH command>

πŸ‘‰ .filext <extension> Get information about an extension

πŸ‘‰ .fwd Get view counter on any post. Credits: @ManueI15

πŸ‘‰ !!gban [Optional Reason] Globally Ban an user from the entire network of Group Administration bots managed by you

πŸ‘‰ .get_admin [Optional Argument] Gets Administrators in a Channel

πŸ‘‰ .get_bot [Optional Argument] Gets Bots in a Channel

πŸ‘‰ .get_id Get ID of a Telegram chat

πŸ‘‰ .github <username> Get info about a GitHub user

πŸ‘‰ .google search <Search Query>

πŸ‘‰ .google image <Search Query>

πŸ‘‰ .dc

πŸ‘‰ .config <won't tell What this does>

πŸ‘‰ .helpme no one gonna help you 🀣🀣🀣🀣

πŸ‘‰ .ifsc rp <IFSC CODE> Get information about a bank knowing it's IFSC code

πŸ‘‰ .json Get Telegram metadata of any message

πŸ‘‰ .ocr <LangCode> Convert Image to Text using API

πŸ‘‰ .weather <Location> Gets the weather of a specified Location

πŸ‘‰ .paste <Optional Argument>

πŸ‘‰ .cpin Pins a message in a channel

πŸ‘‰ .ping

πŸ‘‰ .get_poll Displays the replied Poll as text

πŸ‘‰ .promote <Optional ID>

πŸ‘‰ .purge [Optional "me"] Reply to a message to clear all message starting from the replied message

πŸ‘‰ .makeqr [Optional Argument]

πŸ‘‰ .getqr Gets the information contained in a Quick Response image

πŸ‘‰ .sca [Optional Argument] Sends the relevant Chat Action to the target chat.

πŸ‘‰ .schd <time_in_seconds> ;=; <message to send>

πŸ‘‰ .screencapture URL

πŸ‘‰ .speedtest

πŸ‘‰ .stt <Lang Code> Convert Speech To Text

πŸ‘‰ .tagall @tagall in the target chat

πŸ‘‰ .telegraph <Positional Argument>

πŸ‘‰ .getime [Optional Argument] Displays the current system time

πŸ‘‰ .torrentz <Search Engine To Use> <Search Query> Searches the Torrent Search Engine for Search Query

πŸ‘‰ .torrent <INFO HASH> Converts the Info Hash to Magnetic Link and Torrent File

πŸ‘‰ .tr <Lang Code> Google Translate

πŸ‘‰ .tts <Lang Code> Google Text to Speech

πŸ‘‰ .unbanall Removes all user Restrictions in the current channel

πŸ‘‰ .kick <Optional Argument> @ukinti_bot PRO Feature

πŸ‘‰.(ban|unban|mute)  [Optional ID]

πŸ‘‰ .savethumbnail

πŸ‘‰ .clearthumbnail

πŸ‘‰ .uploadasstream <Path to File>

πŸ‘‰ .uploadasvn <Path to File>

πŸ‘‰ .upload <Path to File>

πŸ‘‰ .uploadir <Path to Directory>

πŸ‘‰ .ud <Word> Checks word in

πŸ‘‰ .whois [Optional ID] 

πŸ‘‰ .wikimedia <Search Query>

πŸ‘‰ .wikipedia <Search Query>


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