
How To Create WhatsApp User Bot - WhatsAsena

WhatsAsena project - Makes it easy and fun to use Whatsapp. Also first userbot for Whatsapp whatsapp user bot whatsapp userbot WhatsAsena
WhatsAsena - Asena Userbot is Open Source software open to development. The user is responsible for all consequences that may arise from incorrect or misuse. Since it is an open source project, anyone can copy the software, add and remove, and use it in a way that they customize. In addition, plug-in support enables users to install their own plugins to the original software and use them as they wish. Using the bot out of purpose will explicitly ban you. Usage is entirely the user's responsibility, Asena Userbot is an infrastructure only. Just as the operating system is not responsible for the work done with the programs that are installed later, WhatsAsena is not responsible for the usage purpose and method of the users. Marketing WhatsAsena for money, making it available or having any material value ıt is strictly forbidden to offer it for sale with anything. All legal investigations that may arise the user is responsible.

How to set up Whatsasena?

1. Essay way to Generate QR Code In Computer 

(Just Open Link & Press RUN Button - Computer Users

  1. Termux or download iSH. if you using pc; Powershell run as administrator.
  2. Paste the codes;
    • Termux: bash <(curl -L
    • iOS: There is no support for IOS
    • Windows 10: Invoke-Expression (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('')
  3. If it asks questions like Y/N please type Y If all transactions done successfully, you will see a QR code., you need to scan this QR code in the WhatsApp. Process is so simple;
  4. Paste the code you received into the ASENA_SESSIONS section.


Answer a few frequently asked questions;

Can you read my messages?

This project is open source so all the codes are clear. Neither less nor more; you can look what you want. We absolutely do not have access to your accounts.

What about our security?

If you are concerned about security, you can install it on your own computer. If you think someone else has captured your data, simply click on Whatsapp> Three Dots> Whatsapp Web> Logout from all sessions button.

Is it paid?

Of course not. It will never happen. But you can donate to us. You can reach me via Telegram .

What does Asena mean?

Asena, comes from Turkish mythology. According to Turkish mythology, Asena is a she-wolf that plays an important role.


Due to Userbot; Your WhatsApp account may be banned.
This is an open source project, you are responsible for everything you do. 
Absolutely, Asena executives do not accept responsibility.
By establishing the Asena, you are deemed to have accepted these responsibilities.


*🛠 Command:*
*💬 Description:*
Plugin installs.
*⌨️ Example:*

*🛠 Command:*
*💬 Description:*
Shows the plugins you have installed.

*🛠 Command:*
*💬 Description:*
Removes the plugin.

*🛠 Command:*
*💬 Description:*
Ban someone in the group. Reply to message or tag a person to use command.

*🛠 Command:*
*💬 Description:*
Adds someone to the group.
*⌨️ Example:*
.add 905xxxxxxxxx

*🛠 Command:*
*💬 Description:*
Makes any person an admin.

*🛠 Command:*
*💬 Description:*
Takes the authority of any admin.

*🛠 Command:*
*💬 Description:*
Mute the group chat. Only the admins can send a message.

*🛠 Command:*
*💬 Description:*
Unmute the group chat. Anyone can send a message.

*🛠 Command:*
*💬 Description:*
Provides the group's invitation link.

*🛠 Command:*
*💬 Description:*
It makes you AFK.

*🛠 Command:*
*💬 Description:*
Allows to run the command on the server's shell.
*⌨️ Example:*
.term ls

*🛠 Command:*
*💬 Description:*
It adds a filter. If someone writes your filter, it send the answer. If you just write .filter, it show's your filter list.
*⌨️ Example:*
.filter "merhaba" "merhaba, nasılsın?"

*🛠 Command:*
*💬 Description:*
Stops the filter you added previously.
*⌨️ Example:*
.stop "merhaba"

*🛠 Command:*
*💬 Description:*
It sets the welcome message. If you leave it blank it shows the welcome message.
Stop: .welcome sil

*🛠 Command:*
*💬 Description:*
Sets the goodbye message. If you leave blank, it show's the goodbye message.
Stop: .goodbye sil

*🛠 Command:*
*💬 Description:*
Restart WhatsAsena

*🛠 Command:*
*💬 Description:*
Shutdown WhatsAsena

*🛠 Command:*
*💬 Description:*
Check heroku dyno usage

*🛠 Command:*
*💬 Description:*
Set heroku config var

*🛠 Command:*
*💬 Description:*
Delete heroku config var

*🛠 Command:*
*💬 Description:*
Get heroku config var

*🛠 Command:*
*💬 Description:*
Activates Lydia for the user.

*🛠 Command:*
*💬 Description:*
Makes Lydia disabled for the user.

*🛠 Command:*

*🛠 Command:*
*💬 Description:*
Replied messages will be added to

*🛠 Command:*
*💬 Description:*
It kicks you grop you are.

*🛠 Command:*
*💬 Description:*
Makes the profile photo what photo you reply.

*🛠 Command:*
*💬 Description:*
Removes the background of the photos.

*🛠 Command:*
*💬 Description:*
It translates with Google Translate. You must reply any massage.
*⌨️ Example:*.trt en ml (From English to Malayalam)

*🛠 Command:*

*🛠 Command:*
*💬 Description:*
It converts text to sound.

*🛠 Command:*
*💬 Description:*
Uploads the song you wrote.

*🛠 Command:*
*💬 Description:*
Downloads video from YouTube.

*🛠 Command:*
*💬 Description:*
It searchs on YouTube.

*🛠 Command:*
*💬 Description:*
Searches on Wikipedia.

*🛠 Command:*
*💬 Description:*
Takes Google pics.

*🛠 Command:*
*💬 Description:*
It converts your replied photo or video to sticker.

*🛠 Command:*
*💬 Description:*
Does bot work?

*🛠 Command:*
*💬 Description:*
Shows the system properties.

*🛠 Command:*
*💬 Description:*
Tags everyone in the group.

*🛠 Command:*
*💬 Description:*
Checks the update.
.update now - updating new features 

*🛠 Command:*
*💬 Description:*
Shows the weather.
*⌨️ Example:*
.weather Bakü

*🛠 Command:*
*💬 Description:*
Measures Download and Upload speed.

*🛠 Command:*
*💬 Description:*
Measures your ping.


WhatsApp name, its variations and the logo are registered trademarks of Facebook. We have nothing to do with the registered trademark

( Hide )
  1. Can you make it public bot for using in groups

  2. Hi
    First of all thank you, but there are a few bugs you need to fix.

    Install method does not match repo.

    Here are the documents:

    Termux: bash <(curl -L

    ISH: apk update && apk add --update nodejs npm git python2 && git clone && && cd WhatsAsenaDuplicated && npm install && node qr.js && node bot.js

    Win10: Invoke-Expression (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('')

    Also, here is the Wiki:

    And all commands with explanations here:

    Thanks for this :)

  3. You can use filter
    Ex: .filter "hi" "hello"

  4. how to make it public and where to write that command

  5. QR Code not working
    The QR code is broken (in yermux and

  6. hey can you make a tutorial about duplicate and edit the plug-ins like .asena and .alive and recreate the bot.

  7. Hello plz help me how bit add to group

  8. hey i deployed it but when i'm giving any cmnts its not showing anithing


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