
How To Create Telegram Screenshot | Trim | Sample Video Generator Bot

Telegram Bot For Screenshot Generation. An attempt to implement the screenshot generation of telegram files without downloading the entire file. and

Telegram Bot For Screenshot Generation. An attempt to implement the screenshot generation of telegram files without downloading the entire file. and 

1. Screenshot Generation - Generates screenshots from telegram video files or streaming links. Number of screenshots range from 2-10. And Watermark, Colors 
2. Sample Video Generation Generates sample video from telegram video files or streaming links. Video duration range from 30s to 150s. Configurable in /settings
3. Video Trimming - Trims any telegram video files or streaming links. Video duration depends on the environment. By default upto 10 mins (600s).
Essay Way To Install

Step 1

API_ID (required):
API_HASH (required):

AUTH_USERS (required): @MissRose_bot
BOT_TOKEN (required): @BotFather
DATABASE_URL (required):

Step 2

Create HOST

API_ID (required):
API_HASH (required):
Bot Father: @BotFather

NOTE 1: Bot Token should be same in Step 1 & 2
NOTE 2 : Heroku is giving only 550Hr/Month for free Users. Recommended to create Separate Heroku Accounts for Step 1 & 2

Supported commands

/start - Command to start bot or check whether bot is alive.
/settings - Command to configure bot's behavior'
/set_watermark - Command to add custom watermark text to screenshots. Usage: /set_watermark watermark_text.
/status - Admin/Auth users only command. Returns number of total users.
/ban_user - Admin/Auth users only command. Command to ban any user. Usage: /ban_user user_id ban_duration ban_reason. user_id - telegram id of the user, ban_duration - ban duration in days, ban_reason - reason for ban. All 3 parameters are required.
/unban_user - Admin/Auth users only command. Command to ban any banned user. Usage: /unban_user user_id. user_id - telegram id of the user. The parameter is required.
/banned_users - Admin/Auth users only command. Command to view all banned users. Usage: 
/banned_users This takes no parameters.


*Upload Mode - Screenshot upload mode. Either as image file or as document file. Defaults to as image file.
*Watermark - Watermark text to be embedded to screenshots. Texts upto 30 characters supported. Disabled by default.
*Watermark Color - Font color to be used for watermark. Any of white, black, red, blue, green, yellow, orange, purple, brown, gold, silver, pink. Defaults to white.
*Watermark Font Size - Font size to be used for watermarks. Any of small(30), medium(40), large(50). Defaults to medium.
*Sample Video Duration - Sample video's duration. Any of 30s, 60s, 90s, 120s, 150s. Defaults to 30s.
Screenshot Genetation Mode - Either random or equally spaced. Defaults to equally spaced.

Support Group & Support Channel
Credit: @odysseusmax 

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